

Sayonara Speech


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths”
Proverbs 3:5-6
(3:5 心を尽くして主に信頼し、自分の分別には頼らず
  :6 常に主を覚えてあなたの道を歩け。そうすれば/主はあなたの道筋をまっすぐにしてくださる。)







My dear girls,

 I have something to tell you all. I will say this in Japanese and in English – so please don’t laugh at my Japanese!! and also pay attention to the translation.

 As you know, my baby is on her way and she will be here in December. I need to take extra care of myself these days and after my baby is born, I will need to look after her. Therefore, I cannot continue teaching here and next week will be my last week in Keisen. So girls, this is sayonara.

 I’m thankful to God to have given me this opportunity to meet and teach wonderful young girls like you and I will always remember my time in Keisen teaching you all. And this is what I want and expect from you. I want you all to be able to converse in English, and grow up to be young women the world can depend on to do the right thing. And you can do the right thing only with Jesus Christ as your guide – remember that!

 Although I will miss you, I’m happy that I will soon be a mother and I look forward to the next phase of my life. I also ask you to pray to Jesus for me that all goes well.

 But the world is a small place and who know, our paths might cross in the future!! And you are all welcome to visit me after my baby is here.